
Showing posts with the label Reverse Engineering Tutorial

Reverse Engineering Tutorial

 Here I will show you reverse engineer with Winrarusing Olly debugger. In this tutorial I will show you the attackers approach of simply hacking a software with just basic understanding of Assembly. You will need  Olly dbg(v 1.10)  and Winrar Our target is to bypass the registration screen that pops in-front of us everytime we load winrar. We have to prevent that screen from appearing without registering the software. So all we have to do is get rid of this Reminder. POINT 1 - Run olly dbg and open winrar in it by dragging it and dropping it in olly dbg. POINT  2 - You will find a screen similar to it. If you have read the previous two tutorials of this series thaen it will help you understand the things that will come in-front of you else everything will appear Greek. You will find something similar to this. Go through the whole code once. POINT  3 - Now right clcik on the CPU main thread module and go...