
Showing posts with the label Use Any Sim In IDEA Net setter | Unlock Idea Net S...

Use Any Sim In IDEA Net setter | Unlock Idea Net Setter | Idea Hack|Unlock huawei Data Card

Now a days most of us are using data cards of various companies and one of them is IDEA NETSETTER. Today I’m going to tell, how you can use any other SIM in IDEA NET SETTER and then you can access upto 2mbps via that USB Net setter Netsetter is using a Huawei modem Step 1 :   Download UNIVERSAL MASTER CODE  (software) by THL Step 2 : Now take your USB modem and see its back , you will see a 15 digit number and that’s your modem’s IMEI number . open notpad and type that IMEI no. Step 3 : Now double click on the downloaded file of Universal Master Code and extract it. then click on Universal Master Code.exe Step 4 : In the IMEI number field of Universal Master Codetype , enter the IMEI number which you have already typed in notepad and press  calculate . It will generate a flash and unlock code. Step 5 : Now connect your USB IDEA net setter and install net setter software from there and run it and also put a non IDEA SIM. It will...