
How To Identify the Fake E-mail ID ?

Hello friends, Daily we got almost 100's of face emails ,Like in spam folder. A php script can mail you from any email address...Even from your own email address..So  How To Identify the Fake E-mail ID. Here a small guide i am going to share with my all ICA Visitors. If you like the article,then  please do a comment ..,At present it is difficult to identify the fake ID. With time more and more people are using the fake IDs which creates a bunch of trouble to thousands of people. So here detection of those fake IDs has become almost a necessity. It is also important because hackers are always looking to use the  f ack mail  IDs to get the personal information of victims. There are several techniques to identify the fake e-mail IDs. The common method you can use is to send test mail to those IDs. If you got failure  notification  then its a fake email IDs. Alternatively there is couple of web service which identify the fake e-mail IDs for the ...

send fackmail

  Sending Fake/spoofed Email -:    Fake or spoofed email means the email from any email ID. It doesn't matter whether the sender's email really exists or not. Sender's email ID can be      Read the  disclaimer  before proceeding Methods :- 1. Using Open Relay servers  :     An open relay server is that which allows people to send email by connecting to it. User connect to it via telnet and instructs server to send email. This method is outdated or simply I should say that, it doesn't work. I would not talk about it more. 2. Using Websites :   There are numberless websites that provide free service to send fake emails. But the problem is that they attach the advertisments along with your email.  But the best two, I have found that do not attach the advertisments.      {have some advance options} 3. Using mail sending sc...


1.  open the registry to add key by clicking on to  Start → Run , and typing in regedit  This will open the registry editor. 2.  Now, navigate to the following registry hive as shown in the picture- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer 3.  Right-click on Explorer and choose  New  and then  DWORD  Value and  name it NoDrives (it is case sensitive) 4.Now modify it’s value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) . Now restart your computer. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone…).

10 minute mail


What are session IDs or session cookies ?

Talking in simple language, whenever we sign into an account it generates a unique piece of string. One copy is saved on server and other in our browser as cookie. Both are matched every time we do anything in our account. This piece of string or login session is destroyed when we click on ' Sign Out ' option. Just login to . Type in browser  javascript:alert(document.cookie); You would get a pop up box showing you the cookies. Now login to your account and do same thing, you would see more elements added to the cookies. These represent  session  ids . Note:  By saying , stealing sessions or stealing cookies, I mean the same thing. Sessions are stored in our browser in form of cookies.  An attacker can steal that session by convincing victim to run a piece of code in browser. Attacker can use that stolen session to login into victim's account without providing any username/password. This attack is very u...

How to Know Someones Facebook Email ?

1) Login To your Yahoo Mail account.                                            2) Goto contacts option. 3) Now their select tools and then you will see there is an option of import on yahoo toolbar.                                 4) Now goto your facebook account login and hit Facebook here on yahoo, Now they will ask you on facebook to import contacts, allow them. 5) After Five minutes they will import all the contacts and emails of your facebook friends they could be 10-1000, depends on your friends list. 6) Now Yahoo has successfully imports your contacts, Goto Your Yahoo Contacts list there you wil...

images in chat & in img A-Z code

    1. How to use  facebook profile images  in chat ? To use profile images in chat Enter this ==>  [[username]] In place of username enter username of person whose image you want to show in chat.           2. Codes of A-Z for Facebook chat. Below are codes of A-Z which you can use in. fb chat You can create your on words with this codes. I will demonstrate how to do that . [[107015582669715]]  = A [[116067591741123]]  = B [[115602405121532]]  = C [[112542438763744]]  = D [[115430438474268]]  = E [[109225112442557]]  = F [[111532845537326]]  = G [[111356865552629]]  = H [[109294689102123]]  = I [[126362660720793]]  = J [[116651741681944]]  = K [[115807951764667]]  = L [[106596672714242]]  = M [[108634132504932]]  = N [[116564658357124]]  = O [[111669128857397]]  = P [[107061805996548]]  ...