How To Identify the Fake E-mail ID ?
Hello friends, Daily we got almost 100's of face emails ,Like in spam folder. A php script can mail you from any email address...Even from your own email address..So How To Identify the Fake E-mail ID. Here a small guide i am going to share with my all ICA Visitors. If you like the article,then please do a comment ..,At present it is difficult to identify the fake ID. With time more and more people are using the fake IDs which creates a bunch of trouble to thousands of people. So here detection of those fake IDs has become almost a necessity. It is also important because hackers are always looking to use the f ack mail IDs to get the personal information of victims. There are several techniques to identify the fake e-mail IDs. The common method you can use is to send test mail to those IDs. If you got failure notification then its a fake email IDs. Alternatively there is couple of web service which identify the fake e-mail IDs for the users. Email Address Checker: Email Addr