
Packet Sniffer for Android phones

This is a nice app to capture and display WiFi and bluetooth traffic on Android phones. But for using this app, you have to root your phone and have "su" command install. This app is based on the tcpdump package therefor it have to be installed manually. 1. Download and Install PacketSniffer App from the market or from the following link. 2. Copy the precompiled TCPDUMP file to the "/data"  library on your phone:                  first make sure your "/data" library has READ and WRITE privileges. if not use:  "chmod 777 data"               in order to copy use the following command if you have ADB :"adb push c:\locationOfTheTcpdumpFile /data"             in case you don't have ADB you can copy the tcpdump file to the SD card and do:  "cat /sdcard/tcpdump > /data/tcpdump  3. Give the tcpdump file Read Write and Exec privileges :    "chmod 777 /data/tcpdump" Before you start to capture you can pick weat

Man In the Middle (MITM) method

Man in the middle attack is a type of attack in which the attacker intercept into the existing connection and breaks it in two different connections, one between the client and the attacker and the other between the attacker and the server. Now all the data would go through the attacker and he would be able to read, modify and insert data in the communication. Man in the middle attacks are sometimes known as fire brigade attacks. This attack is very effective on http protocol because data is seny on plain text form. It is possible to capture session cookies by header and also possible to change. MITM Attack tools There are several tools to perform a MITM attack. PacketCreator Ettercap Dsniff AirJack Cain e Abel

Session hijacking methodes

When a user log in to the account  it starts a session with that account and this session ends up with log out  In a running session, user is give a session id which is unique identifier of the user for that session and is only valid for that session.It is the type of attack in which hacker gain access to the session id to gain unauthorized access to information or services in this maintain on cookies. Session hijacking is simple method to hack someone id hack like as a Facebook, g mail, Hotmail,twitter etc. Session hijacking is support on  cookies... Session hijacking can be done at 2 levels: Network level (TCP and UDP session hijacking) Application level (HTTP session hijacking) Network level (TCP and UDP session hijacking)      TCP session hijacking TCP session hijacking is when a hacker takes over a TCP session between two machines. Since most authentication only occurs at the start of a TCP session, this allows the hacker to gain access to a machine. It can be do

key logging with XSS

Keylogger is the tool which is used to record the key events. We all know about the keyloggers used int the computer to capture the keystrokes. But this tutorial guide you to create and use a keylogger on a website to capture all keystrokes on that page. As the name suggest, It only works on the website that are XSS vulnerable. As we know that we can run our own scripts on those website which have XSS vulnerability. We use our Keylogging script on XSS vulnerable website. For this attack we need three things: Kelogging script. XSS vulnerable website A webhosting First of all download Keylogging script from Here: DOWNLOAD Now create an account in any free hosting web host that supports PHP. PHP will be used to write keystrokes on a text file. Now open Logger.js and change the URL of your script. Default URL is Change it to your hosting URL.  Now host all these scripts on your web host. Now find a XSS vulnerable website website and include script link like

WiFi password crack with fern WiFi cracker

This is a wireless security auditing application that is written in python and uses python-qt4. This application uses the aircrack-ng suite of tools. It should work on any version of linux running the following: Requirements: python python-qt4 macchanger aircrack-ng xterm subversion For Slax Distributions, download the zipped module package on the download section, and follow the instructions in the "README" file. To install simply run the following command in terminal after changing directory to the path were the downloaded package is: root@host:~# dpkg -i Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.2_all.deb Icons and Running the application: Software Icon can be found at the application Menu of the GNOME desktop interfaces Icon can also be found at /usr/share/applications for KDE and also GNOME: There you find "Fern_Wifi_Cracker.desktop" To get the source code for this project from SVN, here's the checkout link: root@host:~# svn checkout http://fern-wifi-cracker.googlecod

How to send self-destructing messages

Today i am going to tell you how can you send the self-destructing messages. After reading the message, it will not be available  again for reading.                                   Follow these steps for sending self-remove  messages.    1. Click on this  Link .    2. Write any message you want to send  Now.    3. it will give you a link. Send this link to the person by email.    3. Then click on Create not. The note will self-destruct after being read.

Sniff WhatsApp Messenger

In this post, I came up with a hack for WhatsApp messenger. If you are in a wifi network, you can easily read conversation, being sent and received via WhatsApp in the same Wifi network. You can sniff whatsApp data with an  android  device by using an app. For this, you need to download and install WhatsAppSniffer in your Android device. You can only use this app on your rooted Android phone. It sniffs conversation separated by phone numbers. So it is easy to read conversation by phone numbers Download whatsapp sniffer